Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Featured in this picture from left to right: Elementary student - soccer and football player,
Heidi - CrossFit Master's Competitor, Honey Badger - Timerie...she's a total badda$$ and totally humble,
Becca - High School Volleyball Player, Puff - Weekend Warrior & Hardworking Mom on the Go,
& last but not least...Pam Owens - she Works her A$$ off...she also is the mother of Cal Bears softball pitcher, Nikki Owens.  Pam gets fully outfitted and catches for her daughter...yep yep...a college pitcher.  No big deal. 
The Saturday strength and conditioning class
is sure to get your heart pumping,
your blood flowing, and your body sweaty. 
Come on down and check it out! 
This "Sweaty Saturday" class
runs every Saturday from 9am to 10am

Pam Owens - Mother of UC Berkley Softball Pitcher, Nikki Owens

Nikki Owens/Hot Blonde/Pitcher for UC Berkley
Featured on the left with Cal Softball Teammates

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Nutrition, I'm Pretty Much a GEEK

I'm pretty much a total geek when it comes to nutrition.  I absolutely LOVE learning about it, and I LOVE talking about it as well.  Of course, all in good company.

The nutrition journey for me...has been just that...a journey.  I have had to relearn food from what I used to think was healthy...back in my standard American diet days...low fat, whole wheat, etc. 

I have learned to consider my starting point, as the learning curve.  Depending on what your knowledge or beliefs are on the subject....that is the learning curve.  That is your starting place and that will be your journey. 

I have had the fortunate opportunity to be coached by and work with some amazing top CrossFit athletes, Jenny LaBaw of NorCal and Azadeh Boroumand of the South West.

 Through their different coaching styles their message was still the same....through all of my own research even when you're looking at:  clean eating, paleo, body building, primal, cutting, zone, losing weight...the trend that rings through and through in the fitness industry is this...eat quality meat, green vegetables, and healthy fat at every meal, and of course tons of water throughout the day.  AND eliminate all process foods.  Now my good friend Billy Bad Ass, would probably disagree on the meat part of the diet...he's a vegan body builder...yep, you heard me right VEGAN BODY BUILDER...check out his page.

Anyway, sounds simple right?  Well for those of us coming from the learning curve of eating the standard American diet, this information can sound foreign.  It's simple actually...AND it's fun!  So no matter what your learning curve is, stick with it!

"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail!"  With that said, go out and research for yourself...then plan and prep some yummy meals!

Azadeh Boroumand
South West

Check out the following sites for some yummy ideas and great info on nutrition:
Paleo-Zone Steve
Mark's Daily Apple

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Back At It

After a very long three months of coaching high school softball with Jocelyn Forest, I am back at it.  With a full time job, AND a full time coaching gig for high schoolers, my schedule was packed.  That is the way I like it, but usually my packed schedule is for fun, fitness, exercise, outdoors, and adventure.  So here I am getting pumped up to get back on my regular training schedule.  AND so stoked to be back in the gym with ALL of the amazing and talented people that I love at Santa Cruz

This brings me to update that the Saturday, group strength and conditioning class is back in full swing!  Thanks again to Matt and Kaleb for being so awesome to help me out and giving some kick a$$ coaching to the Saturday morning crew!
