Monday, November 26, 2012

Guilty Pleasures - CrossFit vs. Strength

This past year has been dedicated to focusing on and building a strength foundation.  During this past year, I did multiple strength cycles, and I loved it.  Initially it was very hard to go from a CrossFit gym to a lifting gym.  I had to sit on the bench and rest?  What?  Silly now, but the concept of being seated and resting was foreign to me.  The strength cycles were hard, they pushed me mentally and physically, they challenged me, I cried, experienced a multitude of frustrations, and all the while and eventually...acquired results.  This past month, I have committed back to CrossFit.  Now I am having the opposite feeling again!  I am questioning myself and my training, just like I did when I focused on lifting and getting stronger.  Now I am feeling lost for not being on a regimented strength program.  Really lost!  I absolutely love the camaraderie that CrossFit offers!  And fortunately at CrossFit Amundson, he programs strength days throughout the week...but...I am lost!  I am really however, enjoying conditioning again and getting my booty kicked by a workout.  In a perfect world, I guess I would be able to strength train in the morning and condition in the evening, but I am how to remedy this dilemma....I am not yet quite sure.  Still searching....and feeling guilty while doing so...

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