Friday, December 21, 2012

I Need Your Advice! 3rd Pull Experts Give Me a Shout Out

C2B Pull-Ups
40 Total
Today, I was stringing together 2s and 3s for a total of 40 C2B pull-ups!  Woot!  Loving the strength I was feeling! :)

Now if someone can for the life of me, HELP ME with that 3rd pull!  Today I did halting clean deadlift + hang power cleans and heavy pulls off of the blocks in triples, working up to a heavy set of three.  I am working on learning how to feel the positions, pulling the knees back, and driving through the heels.  I LOVE heavy pulls off of the blocks, however totally dislike heavy pulls from the ground!  They are rough...leave me winded every time!  That probably means I should do more. 

I challenge YOU to help ME get that 3rd pull!  Any advice please post to comments.

Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean

1 comment:

  1. If those socks didn't take care of it I don't know what will! Love em! Just keep working your tail off tween. It will come-pull your knees up and butt down when you receive rather than lean forward into the bar:)
