Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Love Affair with Mangoes

Well, it's been awhile!!! As you saw in my last post, I spent most of the summer away from home, so needless to say....I'm back!

Well, you may or may not know, those of you who actually know me certainly know...that I have had a LONG LOVE AFFAIR with ORGANIC DRIED MANGOES.  They are my little slice of heaven, my treat to myself, my bliss after a workout, my bliss for a snack, a before bedtime treat...and they go unbelievably well with raw whole cashews! In addition, they have been such an easy thing to grab on the go!  Popping into Trader Joe's for a bag of mangoes and cashews...done; an on the go snack has never been so easy!  And I thought I was doing myself a favor by choosing a "healthy" snack..."orangic, no sulfites, real food, not processed, etc".

So what brings me here today?  Today, I am here to pronounce the end of my love affair with mangoes.  My goal is to lose body fat.  And actually, that has been my goal.  Little did I know before, but am fully aware of now is this:  dried fruit is concentrated in sugar!  Sounds harmless when the sugar is natural and is in fruit...but in all actuality...sugar is sugar!  So today, I am here to say that I have had my last dried mango :(

Now if I can kick my cookie habit. 

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